The Society of Jesus, Mary and St. Joseph
To restore all things in Christ  Pope Pius X

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We do not elect God, he is not a democracy.  He created us to love him because he loves us and desires that we enjoy him forever in heaven.  It is only here on earth that he is not perfectly loved, honored and obeyed.  This lack of perfection here on earth is the result of the freedom God has given our wills so that we may freely choose to love him.

           The Nativity
esus took on our human nature through Mary, to become one like us.  Born in poverty in a stable in Bethlehem, he came to this earth to Redeem us from the spiritual death caused by the sin of pride committed by our first parents, Adam and Eve, who rejected God.



        The Holy Family
The  family   structure of Jesus, Mary and Joseph  is the divine model  for  our earthly  family.  Mary in  her humility  responded with, "yes"  to  cooperate  in  God's  plan  and  to  become  our  spiritual mother.

Joseph as husband and foster-father of Jesus cared for and protected his family.  This quiet leader protected the Holy Family and guides our families.  He is the patron and guardian of the Universal Church.



              The Crucifixion

Jesus gathered and taught his apostles, the leaders of the Church for three years.  Both he and his message was rejected by the leaders of his people, and he was killed by the Romans.

Divinity offered himself as a perfect substitute victim sacrifice.  Just as the lamb was sacrificed by the Israelites to protect their families from God's curse against Egypt and nourished them on their flight from slavery to the Promised Land, so the Lamb of God offered himself to God the Father in love so we may gain our promised land.  Jesus redeemed us and won for us the opportunity to reach heaven.   

                                       The Mass

Jesus rose from the dead and promised his Body and Blood to us in Holy Communion at each Mass.  The Mass repeats the actual but now bloodless and painless sacrifice of the crucifixion on Calvary, and gives glory to God because of the love he showed us through his son.   

In this act of boundless love, Jesus repeatedly offers himself as both perfect Priest and perfect Victim to God the Father through the priest over and over each day throughout the world.

Holy Communion brings Jesus into our being.  As the melted wax of two candles becomes one, so Jesus is united with us to increase the life of God in our soul, to strengthen us and bring us closer to share in the eternal heavenly banquet in heaven. 

Jesus, Mary, St. Joseph and all the angels and saints are the personal friends of God and ourselves.  Their great desire is to guide, help and assist us to reach heaven.  As in all earthly families, some members are closer while others need to travel a greater distance to understanding their relationship with God.  Out of love for God we should always try to draw closer to him, and in charity we should pray for and assist others to also persevere and grow in God's love.

Register your family and loved ones today as perpetual members in the Society of Jesus, Mary and St. Joseph.

Membership Benefits 
Mass intentions offered daily by our associate priests.
Graces received through the intentions, prayers, hardships and good actions of all members.

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The Society of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph
2402 Tricia Ct., Vienna, VA 22181.

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