Saints by Calendar 

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04            Elizabeth Ann Seaton
05            John Neumann
13            Hilary of Poitiers
17            Antony of Egypt
20            Sebastian
23            Raymond of Peņafort
25            Paul, conversion
28            Thomas Aquinas
29            Francis de Sales
31            John Bosco
01            Brigid of Ireland
01            Ignatius of Antioch
03            Blaise
10            Scholastica
Cyril & Methodius
14            Valentine
21            Peter Damian
23            Polycarp
02            Katharine Drexel
06            Perpetua & Felicity
12            Gregory I, pope (The Great)
17            Patrick of Ireland
19            Joseph, husband of Mary
24            Catherine of Vadstena, Sweden
25            Margaret Clitherow
28            John Capristran

02            Francis of Paola
11            Stanislaw of Poland
16            Bernadette of Lourdes
17            Stephen Harding, co-founder

20            Pedro Calungsod
Mark, evangelist
27            Zita
28            Louis de Montfort
29            Catherine of Siena

01            Peregrine
02            Athanasius, bishop
03            Philip & James (The Less)
12            Pancras
13            Robert Bellarmine
14            Mary Mazzarello, co-founder
15            Dymphna
15            Isidore, the farmer
15            John Baptist de La Salle
Brendon, the navigator
19            Joseph, Spouse of Mary
20            Bernadine of Siena
22            Rita of Casia
26            Philip Neri
28            Augustine of Canterbury

30            Joan of Arc
01            Justin, martyr
Charles Lwanga
Boniface of Mainz  
13            Antony of Padua
Basil, The Great
22            Thomas More
22            John Fisher
24            John, the baptist
29            Peter, apostle
03            Irenaeus of Lyons, bishop
03            Thomas, apostle
04            Elizabeth of Portugal
06            Maria Goretti
11            Benedict of Nursia
14            Kateri Tekakwitha
15            Bonaventure, bishop
21            Lorenzo of Brindisi
22            Mary Magdalene
23            Bridget of Sweden
26            Joachim & Anne
31            Ignatius of Loyola
01            Alphonsus Liguori
04            Jean Marie Vianney           
08            Dominic, abbot
10            Laurence, deacon
12            Clare of Assisi
14            Maximilian Kolbe
21            Jeanne de Chantal
21            Pius X, pope
25            Louis IX, King of France
27            Monica
28            Augustine of Hippo
30            Rose of Lima
02            Stephen I, King of Hungary
09            Peter Claver
13            John Chrysostom
20            Bernard of Clairvaux
23            Pio of Pietralcina
Cosmos & Damian
27            Vincent de Paul
28            Lorenzo Ruiz
28            Wenceslaus
29            Gabriel, archangel
29            Michael, archangel
30            Jerome
01            Teresa of Lisieux
04            Francis of Assisi
05            Faustina Kowalska
13            Edward, the confessor
14            Callistus I, pope
15            Teresa of Avila
18            Luke, evangelist
19            Isaac Jogues
19            Noel Chabanel
24            Antony Claret
28            Jude (Thaddeus), apostle
01            All Saints Day
03            Martin de Porres
04            Charles Borromeo
10            Leo I, pope (The Great)
13            Frances Xavier Cabrini
16            Gertrude of Helfta (The Great)
16            Mathew, evangelist
17            Elizabeth of Hungary
22            Cecilia
23            Clement I, pope
23            Rose Phillippine Duchesne
28            Catherine Laboure
30            Andrew, apostle

03            Francis Xavier
06            Nicholas of Myra, Santa Claus
07            Ambrose of Milan, bishop
09            Juan Diego
13            Lucy

14            John of the Cross
26            Stephen, martyr
27            John, apostle

29            Thomas Becket

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